Our news feed
Anixton at Realty 2024!
We are excited to announce that Anixton will be attending the Belgium's Real Estate Summit REALTY in Brussels on September 17th and 18th.
Come meet our team to discuss the latest market trends and explore exciting real estate opportunities. We look forward…
🌟 Exciting News! 🌟
We are delighted to announce that Anixton has successfully completed the letting of over 5.000m² to a major public entity in the Brussels-Capital Region.
Join Anixton at ARCHITECT@WORK Brussels 2024.
Rejoignez moi à ARCHITECT@WORK Brussels 2024 à Tour & Taxis les 29 & 30 mai.
🇬🇧 Anixton acted as advisor in the sale of the Van Zande nursing home in Brussels (3,500 m²) to the Centre Hospitalier Jean Titeca. This site will be converted into a psychiatric care home. Anixton was also involved in the signing of the COT (Temporary Occupancy Agreement)…
Quelles ambitions pour les infrastructures sportives à Bruxelles ?
Conférence coorganisée par l'Executive Master in Future-Proof Real Estate de Solvay Lifelong Learning, Le Soir et Le Cercle 1180.
Infos : 24/04/2024 entre 18h00 et 21h00 à l'ULB.
👉 Anixton will be present this evening at the electoral debate on the future of real estate 🏢 in the Brussels-Capital Region.
#anixton #realestate #immobilier #vastgoed #brussels #bruxelles #brussel #upsi #bvs
Very proud of my students (Master 2, Architecture & Civil Engineer, Bruface, ULB-VUB) who worked (in 48 hours) on the conversion of an office building located on Avenue des Arts. I have full confidence in the next generation of engineers!
Résumé de la conférence "Habitant vivant, habiter demain", organisée par For Urban Passion et pendant laquelle j'ai donné une conférence sur le thème "Comment garantir l’accès au logement pour tous ?" 👉 https://bit.ly/3TaE1s6
#anixton #fup #forurbanpassion #logementabordable
For the 4th year running, Anixton is listed in Who's Who - Major Actors in Real Estate. We thank our colleagues, customers and partners for their confidence. Together, we will continue to make a positive contribution to a better future for a truly sustainable built environment.